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Animi does not impose extensive guidelines that restrict the way you do commissions.

We are here to enable you to do MORE commissions. Therefore, there are only a couple of rules that you need to follow.

1. Deadline

PENDING (30 days after sent) -- Please accept / decline within this time frame. Expired pending request will be canceled automatically. Pending request can be canceled at any point by the client.

ACCEPTED (60 days after acceptance) -- Deliver your work within this time frame. Clients can issue a full refund on expired requests. Clients have no ability to cancel an accepted request.


A request will only be marked as COMPLETED if you deliver it in Animi. You can send your works outside Animi, but please make sure to send it through Animi too.

2. Don't be sus

Please do not send a 1x1 image, empty file, blank image, stolen artwork, etc.

Do not send a work that is completely unrelated to a request. For example, a client requested their OC, but you delivered your own OC instead.

Do not participate in scam, malicious, or illegal activites.

3. Be Nice

Don't bite.... or else?

NSFW stuff

Due to Stripe's restriction, NSFW request is currently not allowed.

Definition of NSFW: Anything depicting nudity or explicit sexual acts.


Nudity can be a really vague term here. Please accept requests at your own risk. If you need help, reach out in discord.

In Summary,

You are free to do commission as you see fit, so long that you deliver an honest work before the deadline.